Jenny V Music

Bob Baker’s Q & A: Staying Empowered As An Artist…

Join Bob Baker’s Private Mastermind Group @ Empowered Artist Movement

Yesterday afternoon I had the pleasure of  being Bob Baker’s first guest speaker for his new mastermind group around what it takes to stay grounded in your passion and become empowered as an artist! Listen to the phone interview now…

The Empowered Artist Mastermind:

Bob Baker’s Q & A with Jennifer Vazquez

The interview focused around a post I’d written during my recent RocketHub Campaign called, “What Is An Empowered Artist”. Some topics that Bob brought up during the interview were:

~ What does it take to maintain a positive perspective?

~ What was my tipping point for my personal transformation?

~ The journey from ego satisfaction to being of service.

~ The difference between surviving and thriving.

~ Insights into my recent crowdfunding campaign


Anyway, check it out.

I know you will get something useful from the converation!
