Jenny V Music

Journal #64: Day Twenty Two… Coffee Table Thoughts

Join the journey with me… Jen’s 2015 Musical Vision Quest RocketHub Campaign!

As many of you may know, I have a thing with writing quotes. They simply pop out of me at the perfect moments, usually when I am in need of some inspiration.

One of my creative visions is to put together a coffee table book! So far I have 224 quotes total. I know, that’s a lot… Right? Well… I do need a lot of inspiration to get me through my days!

Until that vision comes into fruition, I’ll keep jotting those thoughts down and sharing them individually with you. Today, I thought it would be fun to share my top 10 favorites in the hope that they may inspire you!

Top 10 JV Coffee Table Thoughts…

1. There’s never gonna be a right time for anything or anyone, so just jump! Jump towards what you know deep in your heart feels right!

2. Let the “Law of Attraction” guide you towards what bests suites your life, your character, your personality. We are all different yet oh so all the same. We never have to settle for anything less than the best in life. We can have it all… on The Universe’s time, of course, not our own!

3. What makes one happy is not success alone, but rather, taking time to smell the roses, do the cha cha and watch the sun set in between it all.

4. Nothing is for free in life. Stop waiting for that person to come and save you.  Go do the work. Observe the results. Then get back to work. Abundance will come, just on it’s own time.

5. Your life began at birth, but your truest journey only starts when you allow it to.

6. How we choose to start each day is up to us. We have the power to pull out the old roots of the past and start fresh, in the here and now.

7. Saying words like, “Maybe”, “If” and “Someday” only feed that sneaky inner serpent inside us, giving us permission to be ordinary, instead of being EXTRAORDINARY!

8. Everything we want, whatever it may be, is motivated by love.

9. There are no accidents, no mistakes and no errors. There are just experiences that we have day in and day out to let us grow as individuals.

10. When you feel stuck, like there’s nowhere else to go, do something for others and watch the clouds clear and the sun begin to shine.

All quotes © Jennifer Vazquez

More to come…

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