Jenny V Music

5 Days Left… What Is An Empowered Artist?

5 DAYS LEFT… Join Jen’s 2015 Musical Vision Quest RocketHub Campaign!

Late last night, I woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep. I found myself on Facebook roaming around for a bit and then bumped into a new group I became a part of last week, “The Empowered Artist Mastermind”, which Bob Baker started. Last year he’d done a RocketHub Campaign as well, which I funded. I believed in what he was doing. His goal, in a nutshell; to restore the artist to their proper status. I’ve known Bob from back in the day when I lived in LA. He’s an inspiring man who has created opportunities for himself time and time again.

Anyway, in thinking about these remaining 5 days of my vision quest, I took a moment to think about a question he asked to the group. “What is an empowered artist?” Hmmm… I thought about it for a moment. Then I wrote this:

Someone who does not sit around waiting for an opportunity to come along, but rather, creates their own, within the walls of their community and way, way beyond!

Bob responsed back saying how my definition reminded him of this George Bernard Shaw quote:

“People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them.”

And then it hit me! I have taken control of what I want to do in life; to touch, move and inspire others through the songs I write. I have made my life one of abundance. I have found solutions rather than sit in the problems.

It’s up to you to do what you want to do. It’s up to you to speak out the truth of your truest artistic self.  No one will be your cheerleader, until that moment, that one magical moment that occurs, when you least expect it, and then, the whole world seems to cheer you on, only to then judge and throw you under the bus.

What’s my point? We’ve gotta throw ourselves in front of the bus to get thrown under the bus! We’ve gotta be ok with being judged. We’ve gotta be willing to humble ourselves, be vulnerable and look bad before we can ever look good. That’s how we become our truest self.

And as I write this next journal entry, I realize that this is what I’ve been doing for the past 42 days. I actually threw myself in front of the bus. I came forward with a vision, a goal and a purpose; to go back into the studio, record new songs that I know touch, move and inspire others. I chose to ask for help and I knew that while some would cheer me on, others, deep down, might have resented what I was doing. But they didn’t resent me. I am clear on that. What they resented was themselves, for possibly not going for what they wanted to do. So, in my coming forward, maybe they will come around and do what they need to do in their lives to find their truest self. You gotta be the change you want to see in others. I am willing to do this, day in and day out!

So, as the remaining 5 days pass by, I have no regrets throwing myself in front of the bus; that has made me visible. It has made me stronger, more courageous and definitely more knowledgeable about so much I didn’t know almost 43 days ago.

So, for those of you who want me to remain in  front of the bus, taking risks and sharing my musical gifts with others, which I know were given to me by a higher source, join me! Join me during these last few days of my vision quest journey. Help me to reach this $30,000 goal that I have set. It is what I need to get back in the studio, record the 11 songs I know will make a difference and then set up a tour to spread that music all around.

I would love nothing more…


Watch the video ‘n click below…

More to come…

5 Days Left to Support ‘n Fuel My Vision Quest Campaign


