From The Blog Series… 365 Blogs To Finding Pinocchio A Home
For me, life happens when I follow faith rather than try to chase my dream. Here’s an example. On March 25th I was going about my Sunday as I normally do, gearing up for the week ahead and creating an action list consisting of the actions I plan on taking for the upcoming week to continue the journey of finding a home for Pinocchio!
Well, I was meeting up with my Mom for dinner and I told her I would meet her uptown rather than her drive to me. So, I got on the 5 train and headed to 86th and Lexington. I had to quickly use the restroom and so I went into the Barnes & Noble that was right there and went down the escalator and found my way to the restroom. Well, as I walked towards the restroom, there was a sign for the upcoming event for that next day. I double took the sign, it said Joan Osborne.
I thought to myself, hmmm, interesting. Interesting for a few reasons. For one, it was interesting that I walked into Barnes & Noble and was gifted with this sign that interrupted my pathway to the restroom to give me the chance to see an artist that I have loved for so many years, ever since her album “Relish” in 1995. Another interesting observation was that I then recalled that I saw her name on “City Winery” events calendar, where I had just played the Monday before and that was pretty awesome, to have played where she was about to! Finally, it was extremely “in your face” interesting because a friend I had just spoken to a few hours before said that taking myself out did not mean going to a coffee shop and taking out my computer to do music business, and that she suggested I take myself out and do something fun! Well, this seemed perfect! So, I walked past the sign, went to the restroom and then left the store and went to dinner with my mom. When I got home I marked down in my calendar: “Artist Date” (Joan Osborne at Barnes & Noble)
Monday arrived and I went about my day until it was time to head off to Barnes and Noble. Before leaving the house, I quickly grabbed a cd of mine, you just never know with the way the flow of events had presented themselves the day before. So, I get to the event early, was the 3rd person in line and then sat on the floor, took out my iPhone and started typing away in my notepad. Then suddenly I got struck with fear… so much fear! Fear because while I was hear to simply enjoy the music and see an artist I truly enjoyed and admired, the other side of me, the one looking for a home for Pinocchio, that side of me knew that this was an opportunity and that humbled me 100%. I ended up buying a cd ahead of time so I could have her sign it and just get a chance to allow whatever was meant to happen in that moment, just happen.
So after the show, which was awesome and a great “Artist Date”, I was the 2nd in line to have her autograph the cd I just bought, “Bring It On Home”. I let go of the fear and my ego and brought myself down to a grateful, humble and abundant place. What came out of my mouth was truly shocking to me. I started to say to her how I was such a fan of hers and then I said how humbled I was since I had just played at “City Winery” last week and what a joy to know she was there for the next two nights for her tour. I then went on to say that I had to ask this of her, because I would never know unless I did, and that was, did she have an opener for the next two nights for her “City Winery” shows… and…. if I could be of service and open up for her with a song, if she needed it. She thanked me and said, she already had it covered, but asked me my name and what I go by as an artist. And that opened up the door for me to ask her if she would accept a cd as a gift from me to her. She said “YES” and I silently freaked out, and then, it took a moment to find the darn cd I put in my bag. I gave it to her, thanked her and walked out out the door and straight to a coffee shop around the corner to regroup and wind down, doing some music business on my computer.
The funny thing about this is I have been doing music and singing and performing for a long time, yet, in this moment, it was all new and all exciting and it was like anything and everything is possible when I am open to letting go of the dream and just focusing on the next right action. And what I got to practice in this whole experience is the ability to follow through with what task is put in front of me, even when I am not sure of what I am meant to do. I just kept staying focused on the present moment and letting something greater than myself guide me the rest of the way. And what will happen from that experience is not my concern. My only concern is that I keep taking the actions and allow the rest to be unfolded as I keep following through…. There is no end… just a journey….
Here’s my version of Joan Osborne’s:”What If God Was One of Us”