Jenny V Music

Journal #78: Day Thirty-Six… Cheers To Life

Join the journey with me… Jen’s 2015 Musical Vision Quest RocketHub Campaign!

Today I raise a glass to life.

To what it brings when you’re busy living.

To the joy it spreads to others when performing at a show.

To the friends it sends when you least expect it.

To the beauty that surrounds when we open our eyes and look around.

Yes, today I raise a glass to life.

It’s in the act of living that miracles embrace us from all sides, every single day!

Storytelling at it’s best…

So, yesterday was quite the adventure filled with a few fun surprises!

First off, I got to spend some quality time with my friend, Deanna, who joined me on my journey to my Flynn’s gig. We took a boat taxi from Kismet to Ocean Bay Park. What a nice treat; to see another part of Fire Island. You know, I will be the first to admit that solid women friends are hard to come by as I get older and wiser. I am grateful for Deanna’s kindness, honestly, supportive ways and creative energy. When we are around empowering people with good energy it just lifts my spirit even more. She’s just a beautiful person inside and out!


So what happened next? Well once we reached Flynn’s I set up my gear, did a sound check and chilled out for a bit. Then something out of the ordinary happened. The place went from empty to packed in about 5 minutes.


How do I explain this? Well, a large group of about 25 good looking guys race in with team shirts on. I get on the stage and start to play and as I do, I hit a wrong chord and then another and then I stop and just explain that it hard to play in front of so many good looking guys. But I will now try to do better. We all laughed about it, the team bought me a drink and I continued to play.


What team were they on? They weren’t. They were actually on a bar crawl extravaganza. What a hoot! The best part of it all? I started playing my song, “Dirty Work” and suddenly about 10 guys came to the middle of the stage and started dancing. My heart smiled, my gratitude lifted. Here’s a shout out to all of your guys who brought life to the party, in every sense of the word. You made my night!

So after the show, it was time to take a little walk around the area and wind down from the gig. On that walk you’ll never guess who blessed my presence. She allowed me to capture her beauty close up!


And there ya have it… Another fun filled day on Fire Island!

Day 36 - Photos

More to come…


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