Hope you all had a great March. Here’s the update for April…
Jennifer’s March Update: Upcoming Shows, New Interview & Spotify Playlist
Check out Jen’s March update and keep track of where she’s playing and what’s going on with her music.
February’s News: So you wanna know a little bit more about me? Here ya go…
I was recently asked to share more about myself and my journey on facebook from one of you. I hope this helps give you a better sense of who I and and where I’ve been so far along my musical journey…
Happy New Year! Let’s Start 2019 Off Right…
I wanted to wish you a very prosperous 2019 and share this song of mine with you. It means a lot to me. I have learned the importance of getting out of my own way, day in and day out, so that my true essence can shine through as I move forward in my life. My hope for you hope in 2019 is…
Celebrate “12 Days ‘Til Christmas” with Jen! Sign up to get FREE Holiday tunes everyday thru Christmas Eve.
I would love for you all to help me celebrate the “12 Days ‘Til Christmas”. All you gotta do is sign up below to get FREE Holiday tunes everyday thru Christmas Eve + a personal quote from me each day. Register here…
Jen’s November News: Two Year Anniversary, Gigs, Music Video, Facebook Messenger, Personal Message & Quote
Two years ago, November 1st, I arrived in Nashville. I knew not a soul and was starting my life over again, for the 3rd time. You know, life never guarantees anything. It’s just this journey that I choose to take, every single day. And through all the ups and downs; through all the unexpected curve balls, both magical and tragic, I continue to handle each one in self care…
Check Out October’s Update : Jen’s gigs, Live Video Series, Uplifting Words & More!
Thank you for tuning back in for this month’s happenings. I’m pumped to share it! But first, here’s what’s coming to mind… There’s only time on our hands. We can let it pass us by or we can jump on board with it and create possibility after possibility and embrace the whole darn journey! Ok, let’s dive right in…
Jen’s September Update: Upcoming Gigs, New “Live Video Series” & More…
So, before I dive into what’s going on, have I told you lately how amazing you are and how much of a contribution you are to everyone you meet? Well, I just thought I should remind you… YOU ARE AMAZING! Oh and I guess I will add… beautiful, talented, kind, loving, smart, compassionate, integrity filled. Ok, I think you get the point… Let’s continue, shall we…
Jennifer’s August News: Get the Inside Scoop Now… Free Music, Spotify Playlist, Upcoming Shows, Videos, Photos & More!
Welcome to all of you new tribe members and welcome back to all of Y’all who are returning. I appreciate you greatly and wanted to give you a gift right off the bat to express my gratitude and for your loyalty…
Jen’s July Update: Spotify, New Gigs, Unstarving Artist Interview, The Living Room Series, Color Your Way To Calm, Videos, Photos + More!
Wishing you all a beautiful July ahead. I hope June was filled with lots of abundance! I am pumped to share what happened on my end the past few weeks, as well as tell you where I’ll be playing next! Let’s dive in…