Jenny V Music

Journal #51: Day Nine… I Wanted To Be A Nurse

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What did you wanna be when you grew up?  Well, apparently I wanted to be a nurse. How do I know this? Well, I wouldn’t, except I just stumbled across this letter. I actually think my brother or sister wrote it out for me. I printed my name at the end. I was only six at the time! Check it out…


You know, we all have dreams as kids. Sometimes those dreams come true. Other times, those dreams get released because NEW dreams take it’s place! It’s kinda funny, I wanted to be a nurse way back when because, “I like to help people”, as I said in the letter. How ironic, huh? I kinda became a nurse. Ya, a nurse to people’s emotions! I get to help people by sharing my songs with them. Through the words and the music, they get to feel their feelings, smile a little more, think a little deeper, see a brighter side, shed a tear or two, accept themselves for who they are, or they just get to take a few minutes to regroup from their busy life.

I’m so grateful that my Mom saved that letter and then gave it to me so many years later. What a beautiful gift, stumbling across this letter today! So, who are you supposed to be? Did that dream of yours from way back turn into something similar to what it started as?

More to come…

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