Jenny V Music

Journal #57: Day Fifteen… Don’t Say I Didn’t Warn You!

Join the journey with meJen’s 2015 Musical Vision Quest RocketHub Campaign!

Beware, you’re about to enter the mind of an artist. Don’t say I didn’t warn you! I figure, if I can’t laugh at myself, what’s the point of living this life…Enjoy!

“Good God… Morning? Already? Ok. Calm down. I know, I know, you have a ton to do. Ok. What to do? Ahhh, a little meditation to start the day off right? I’m gonna need all the empowering energy I can get today! Ok, focus, breathe, ahhhhhhh… What? Who said that? Get out of my head, I’m trying to meditate… Thank You…….

So what’s first on the list of to do’s? Just start the process. Go on! How do we start this song, write this blog, enchant this vision inside me, out? Ok…Okay…I’m feeling something coming on in…. Okay! Now we’re talking. Well that only took me like an hour and half! But that’s alright. There’s the thought. The idea. Oh boy…WORDS! Here they come. Here we go!!! Grrrrrr….. I gotta go to work. Ok, stop here. I’ll be back. Stay put, ok?

Work… work… work…. Done! Tired… very tired… Finally, I’m home! Back to that song, that blog, that idea, this music project. Oh it’s the weekend? Oye… Yes, I know, you  invited me to your party. Uh, I would love to go out with you! Oh boy… Maybe next time? I got a gig. I’m recording. I’m taking care of some music business. Is it me or do I feel a bit crazy. lol What’s up with that?

Well, I guess you’ll have to have a little chat with The Universe. It’s kinda responsible for all this madness. It’s apparently already mapped out this journey and I’m kinda just gliding along this bumping terrain, just following it’s plan.

Why? Well, I get to touch the hearts and souls of every person I encounter?

Well, when you put it like that! I guess this artist’s life ROCKS!

More to come…

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