Richie’s 49th Birthday was on February 18th. This is what I first want to say… “Every day I am grateful for all the time we had on earth together. You always made me feel loved, taken care of and so special. Soulmates forever. You knew me like no one else. I’m grateful for the way you have touched my heart and continue to do so spiritually. I cherish every memory we had here. It makes losing you way too soon more manageable and peaceful.
And what makes me smile this year, even though at the same time sad, for me, is knowing that you get to spend your 49th Birthday with your Mom and the rest of your spiritual family. I love you… to the moon & back. Happy Birthday Richie!”

And now, let me share a tiny little miracle with you in regards to Richie! As I was listening internally around what to do on Rich’s 49th Birthday to celebrate him, I had this very clear thought yesterday morning to go outside a make a snowman.
I know by now not to second guess those very clear thoughts that enter my head cause they don’t come from me, they come from spirit… and this one definitely came from Rich. Richard loves the winter, loves cold weather and loves the snow. Me on the other hand, not so much. You wouldn’t find me joyfully going outside in the cold and spend time building a snowman.
The miracle of the matter is this. Building a snowman would never have been possible, not in Nashville, yesterday. And it just so happened that because of all the snow fall we suddenly got hit with the past few days, it gave me the perfect snow to gift Richard with a on his Birthday! And I gotta say, it was so much fun. Anyway, just wanted to share this experience with my music family.